Indigenous Communities and Conservation

‘Civilisation’ and ‘development’ have reached an entirely ‘urban’ homogeneity. We forget that these ideas aren’t true to all human beings. Considering how the tribal communities have lived a far more nature-friendly life for centuries now, it is time that we respect the space they have created for themselves. Most tribal communities depend on forest produce directly for their living. This film explores the initiatives of distinguished CEPF- ATREE funded projects and their endeavour to help tribal people use their rights to their true potential that in turn, conserves eco-systems. More about the projects – 1. Action for Community Organisation, Rehabilitation and Development (ACCORD) has made noteworthy progress in enabling Adivasi communities in Tamil Nadu to strengthen their collective claim over forest rights and conserve the resources they depend upon. 2. Keystone Foundation has been successfully managing a community-based ecological monitoring programme that draws from traditional knowledge such that the ways of the indigenous tribes stay alive even as they help conservation causes in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. 3. Dr K.H. Amitha Bachan has been championing the cause of community-based monitoring of forest resources by the indigenous Kadar tribe in Kerala.

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